Bio:Joyce Patti

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Joyce Patti. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Joyce Patti. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Joyce Patti should be placed on Author:Joyce Patti.

Please observe our policy and guidelines on biographies when editing this page.

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Painter. "Living by the seashore in beautiful Seal Beach, [California] ... Joyce is a professor at the Art Department at Cypress College." --per her agent Morgan Gaynin as of 2016-03-10 (with gallery)[1]

"Joyce Patti" tag at the illustration site --one blog post as of 2016-03-10 [2]

"Joyce Patti" LCCN n92-23023 --identity uncertain; two early 1990s works in LC catalogue

WorldCat search: au: "joyce patti" --as of 2016-03-01, five items all 1990s: three Christmas items, two Queen Amidala paper doll books